
Personal Safety

Tips To Keep You Safe!

College students have a lot on their minds and safety isn't always at the top of the list. Please review our PERSONAL SAFETY TIPS and the following suggestions to keep you safe while you are pursuing a degree at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. 

General safety rules:

  • Never walk alone, day or night! If you need an escort, call the University Police dispatcher at: 7777 (570-941-7777). 
  • Be alert to your surroundings. If you are alone, not paying attention to your surroundings, and intoxicated, your chance of being assaulted or robbed increases tremendously. Thieves and others who would do harm to you look for victims. Your best defense is to appear confident and aware.
  • Plan your trips and stay on well-lit, well-traveled paths.
  • Avoid wearing headphones. Know where the blue light phones are, and stay alert!
  • Avoid carrying more than a few dollars in cash; most businesses accept credit cards and the Royal Card is accepted on and off-campus. If you don't have money in your pocket, it can't be stolen.
  • If you think someone is following you, go to a well-lit, populated area, or a blue light phone. Press the red button and you will be connected with the University dispatcher. Help is then only a few seconds away.
If you are ever a victim, or are witness to a crime, you hold the key to catching the offender! Try to remember details about the person, including height, weight, skin, eye and hair color, gender, clothing and any distinctive features, including speech patterns, tattoos, odors and anything else that would make catching the offender easier. Report the crime to the University police. We'll do our best to apprehend the offender and, if appropriate, we'll warn the campus about the offender to protect other members of the University community.

Some more tips are listed below:

When you're in the parking lot:

  • Always lock your car!
  • Never leave valuables in plain sight. Lock valuables in the trunk or under the seats.
  • Have your keys in hand before leaving for your car. The time spent looking for keys can provide a thief with time to rob you.
  • Have someone escort you to your car. If you need an escort, call the University Police dispatcher at 7777 (570-941-7777) and someone will escort you to your car.
  • Always check your back seat, and under your car before you get in. Be wary of parking next to work vans and vehicles with tinted windows. You never know who is hiding inside, waiting to take advantage of you.

When you're at the ATM:

  • Take a friend with you if possible.
  • Be alert as to your surroundings and notice who is in the area. Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable around the ATM, cancel your visit and return later, preferably with an escort.
  • Have your ATM card easily accessible.
  • Stand in front of the ATM machine so no one can steal your pin or read your information.
  • Immediately place your cash in a safe place. You can count it later and if there's been a mistake, you won't be able to correct it at the machine. The sight of cash to a thief is encouragement to pick you as a victim.
  • Immediately report a lost or stolen card to the issuing institution. Canceling your card will prevent unauthorized withdrawals- in other words, if the card is canceled, no money can be stolen!

A tip for your cell phone:

No matter where you are, accidents happen. If you were incapacitated, how would EMTs, Paramedics, Police and fire personnel contact your next of kin? Take a moment and put "ICE" in front of the people you would want contacted in the event of an emergency. For example, enter, "ICE Mom" or "ICE John" and emergency personnel will know who to call.

If you have any allergies or medical conditions, let your "ICE" contacts know so they can pass on the information if they are called. Adding an "ICE" contact could lead to a call that saves your life.

Safety begins with the individual. By following the tips above, you can protect yourself from many incidents. If you find yourself a victim of a crime or a witness, call the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Police dispatcher at:7777 (570-941-7777) and let us help you.

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