Student Officer Program
What is the Student Officer program?
The Student Officer program is operated by the University Police Department. Employed through the University Work Study Program, Student officers perform a vital service to the University community. Student Officers responsibilities include patrolling the University grounds and buildings, performing escorts, dispatching and parking enforcement.
Our Student Officers have varied backgrounds and interests and include several Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, firefighters and ROTC cadets. Several are athletes or involved in clubs on campus while some student officers have never been involved in any of these activities before joining the program!
Although Student Officers are not required to be Criminal Justice majors, many are. Others major in everything from Forensic Accounting to Business and Education.
An interest in helping our University community is the one common denominator for all Student Officers.
What do Student Officers do?
Student Officers enhance the safety of the University community and are committed to maintaining a safe learning environment. Student Officers also carry out activities that don't require full-time officers. This allows the full-time officers to devote more time to their law enforcement mission.
Due to the nature of the situations encountered, Student Officers develop critical thinking and conflict management skills, while acting as a liaison between the University police and the University community.
Student Officer duties include:
- Patrol: Student Officers patrol the campus and check for problems in academic and administration buildings, residence halls and common areas. Student Officers secure open doors, report maintenance issues such as broken lights, vandalism and safety hazards.
- Medical calls: Student Officers assist full-time officers with medical calls, assist ambulance crews and assist with paperwork. Student Officers are trained in Adult, Child and Infant CPR/AED and First Aid by a Red Cross-Certified instructor at the beginning of every academic year. Those Student Officers who hold EMT or higher certifications handle medical emergencies with full-time officer supervision.
- Safety Escorts: Student Officers provide walking safety escorts throughout the campus. Student Officers also staff the Royal Ride that services a route on and in the immediate vicinity of campus Thursday through Saturday evenings when the University is in session.
- Parking Enforcement: Student Officers monitor University parking facilities and issue tickets when violations are found.
- Pedestrian Control: Student Officers are present at University sporting events, concerts and other events.
Opportunities for promotion to Corporal, Sergeant and Lieutenant are available to Student Officers in good academic standing. Student Officers who gain rank have a unique opportunity to develop leadership skills, interpersonal skills and responsibility not available to most students.
Ranking Student Officers handle administrative tasks, scheduling, training and managing deployment of their squads.
The experience gained, both as Student Officers and as ranking Student Officers provides great experience for a future in law enforcement or other public service.
Do Student Officers go on to law enforcement careers?
Our department is proud of the number of Student Officers who have moved on to positions with law enforcement agencies throughout the country, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Agency, and also state, county and local departments.
Student Officer Uniforms
Student Officers are provided a Blue shirt, radio, and a blue jacket that identifies the officers to the community as Student Officers. Student Officers are required to wear Black pants, Black boots (polished) and must provide their own flashlights.
If you're a University student in good standing, and are interested in our program please apply! Successful applicants must pass an interview process and a criminal background check. Students qualifying for Federal Work Study funding are encouraged to apply. Being a Student Officer does require dedication and the ability to devote 12 hours a week to the position but the rewards are endless! No two shifts are alike and no two calls are alike. Student Officers experience something new every day!
Interested in joining us? Click here for an application and submit it to us by emailing
Applications are also available by visiting the University Police department located in the Parking Pavilion.
In the interim, any Student Officer program related questions can be directed to or by calling the communications center (570) 941-7888.
University Police
- University Police Mission Statement
- About us
- Crime Prevention
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Public Health Safe Travel
- Parking Services
- Alternative Transportation Options
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
- Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics
- Emergency Response Procedures
- Lockdown Levels and Procedures
- Training and Outreach
- Vehicle Operator Policy
- Hate or Biased Type Incident Protocol
- Student Officer Program
- USPD Newsletter
- I got a citation, now what?
Contact Us:
- University Police Department
820 Mulberry Street
¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510-4699 - Emergency: 570-941-7777
Office: 570-941-7888 - Department Directory