
Core Emphasis Courses

Core Emphasis courses (9 credits) are courses that specifically focus on Asian culture and society.  These courses include the Asian languages.

* HIST 242 (Modern East Asia) OR PS 221 (Politics in Southeast Asia)
* One year Asian Language Study (6 credits) at appropriate level:
  • Chinese: CNS 101, 102, 211, 212
  • Japanese: JPN 101, 102, 211, 212
  • other Asian languages as approved by the Program Director (the availability of these courses depends on the availability of instructors)
HIST 242 (3 cr. ) Modern East Asia
Course description coming soon
PS 221 (3 cr.) Politics of Southeast Asia
Domestic politics of Southeast Asia and international politics affecting the region. The ASEAN nations (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Brunei) and Myanmar, the region’s only socialist country, along with the three communist states of Indochina: Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are considered; spheres of influence and capitalism versus state socialism as a lever of economic development are also discussed.
CNS 101-102  6 cr. (CF) Beginning Chinese
A learner-based, performance-based and task-based approach to Chinese, this course focuses on the development of the students’ ability to comprehend and communicate in the Chinese language. It provides training in the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Introduces aspects of Chinese culture.
(CNS 101 is normally the prerequisite to 102.)
CNS 211-212   6 cr. (CF) Intermediate Chinese*
(Prerequisites: CNS 101-102 or equivalent, as determined by instructor) Emphasizes development of the full range of language skills – reading, listening comprehension, the use of grammatical structures, and oral and written communication. Class will be conducted almost entirely in Chinese.
(CNS 211 or its equivalent is normally the prerequisite to 212.)
(Additional course work is available by arranging independent and/or foreign study) JPN 101-102 6 cr.
(CF) Beginning Japanese

Development of the fundamental skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, with emphasis on language performance. Emphasis on practical application of the basic skills for business-related activities. Relevant cultural aspects are introduced. Designed primarily for students with no background in the Japanese language.
(JPN 101 is normally the prerequisite to 102.)
(Additional course work is available by arranging independent and/or foreign study)
Intermediate Japanese (Prerequisites: JPN 101-102 or equivalent)
This course continues development of the four major skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Upon completion of the course students will understand all the basic concepts of the structure of the language.
(JPN 211 or its equivalent is normally the prerequisite to 212.)
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