Resources and Useful Links
The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) is a scholarly, non-political, non-profit professional association open to all persons interested in Asia and the study of Asia. With approximately 7,000 members worldwide, representing all the regions and countries of Asia and all academic disciplines, the AAS is the largest organization of its kind. Through its publications, online resources, regional conferences, and annual meeting, the AAS provides its members with a unique and invaluable professional network. The site provides rich information for both faculty and students. It has links to career opportunities, scholarship, Asian Studies Programs and Centers, etc.
Useful Links for International and Graduate Studies
Links for exchange/graduate programs to study in Asian countries can be found here, including scholarships, fellowships, and other opportunities. Resources include multiple links to exchange programs in Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, China, and Korea, in addition to general information about Japanese graduate/undergraduate exchange programs and Fulbright scholarships.
The East-West Center is an education and research organization established by the U.S. Congress in 1960 to strengthen relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. The Center contributes to a peaceful, prosperous, and just Asia Pacific community by serving as a vigorous hub for cooperative research, education, and dialogue on critical issues of common concern to the Asia Pacific region and the United States. Funding for the Center comes from the U.S. government, with additional support provided by private agencies, individuals, foundations, corporations, and the governments of the region. Over its nearly fifty years of serving as a U.S.-based institution for public diplomacy in the Asia Pacific region with international governance, staffing, students, and participants, the Center has built a worldwide network of more than 55,000 alumni and 600 partner organizations.
With a 21-acre campus in Honolulu and a Washington, D.C., office focused on preparing the U.S. for an era of growing Asia Pacific prominence, the Center is helping to develop global leadership through programs that help current and future leaders understand the issues and people in this dynamic region. The East-West Center carries out its mission through the following programs of cooperative study, training, research, and fellowship: The East-West Center , , , , The East-West Center in Washington (), United States Asia Pacific Council (), the and , a community volunteer organization, the , The East-West Center . For students interested in graduate studies, Asia Pacific Leadership Program () and (with the University of Hawai‘i) are particularly worth exploring.
Institute of International Education is committed to delivering program excellence to a diverse range of participants, sponsors, and donors. IIE, an independent non-profit organization founded in 1919, is a world leader in the exchange of people and ideas. IIE administers over including Fulbright Programs, serving more than 20,000 individuals each year. It is among the world's largest and most experienced international education and training organizations. Click to learn more about IIE.
A consortium of over 170 North American colleges, ASIANetwork strives to strengthen the role of Asian Studies within the framework of liberal arts education to help prepare succeeding generations of undergraduates for a world in which Asian societies play prominent roles in an ever more interdependent world.
The unique teaching mission of the undergraduate liberal arts institution poses special opportunities and challenges in the development of Asian Studies. ASIANetwork seeks to encourage the study of Asian countries and cultures on our campuses and to enable our students and faculty to experience these cultures first hand. In a time of fiscal constraints, ASIANetwork facilitates conversations among faculty and administrators concerning the development and strengthening of Asian Studies programs, as well as ways to foster collaboration among institutions. The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ is an institution member of ASIANetwork.
ASIANetwork runs a number of programs that are beneficial to both students and faculty including Freeman Student-Faculty Fellows Program for Collaborative Research in Asia, Luce Teaching Fellow Program, and scholarship and grant opportunities.
at Columbia University
An initiative of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University, Asia for Educators (AFE) is designed to serve faculty and students in world history, culture, geography, art, and literature at the undergraduate and pre-college levels. The website of AFE provides useful lesson plans, modules for curriculum in Asian Studies, Online Museum Resources on Asian Art (OMuRAA), related links to travel and school exchange programs, language network resources, Education About Asia magazine and more.
The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy was established in 1967 as a non-profit organization aimed at advancing the development of the disciplines of Asian and comparative philosophy in the international academic arena, and bringing together Asian and Western philosophers, as well as other scholars interested in Asian and world philosophy, for a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas. The Society seeks to provide the professional outlet for philosophers doing work in non-Western and comparative areas of philosophy. The group serves as the largest and most well-known professional organization for scholars in the fields of Asian and global philosophy. SACP site contains many useful subjects, calls for conference, book series, and open access to the on-line journal FORUM.
The ACPA is an academic organization in philosophy and the humanities. The general purpose of this organization is to promote philosophical activities of the Chinese philosophers (defined as philosophers that have interest in Chinese Philosophy) in America. To achieve this general goal, the organization serves as a means for members to keep in touch with one another; to share experiences, common concerns, and information; to exchange professional achievements; to represent members' common interests and cooperate on collective professional projects; to promote philosophical exchange between China and America and other countries. There are multiple useful links at the site that can take the readers to research/grant opportunities, academic journals, philosophy departments in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and United States.