2009 Survey
2009 LibQual+™ Survey Results
Normative data for all institutions that administered LibQual+™ is not yet available. This final piece of data is an important part for interpreting how well the Library is meeting expectations. For example, many libraries report responses indicating dissatisfaction with access to electronic journals. The norms will establish if Weinberg Library's users are better satisfied than users of most libraries. As soon as the data is available, it will be posted to this page.
Respondent comments
In general, comments were extremely positive and complimentary.
PDF of all Respondent Comments
Positive - 10 Comments
"As a biochemistry major, I find myself retreating to the library for hours on a daily basis. The library exceeds all expectations. The staff is courteous, cooperative, and extremely helpful (let's not forget about pleasant and nice, as well). The complete staff promotes an ideal learning environment."- Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science, Undergraduate
"Love this library, it's the only place I can get my work done. Between the quiet of the whole place, the group study rooms available for use, Java City, really good hours and a nice helpful staff, this place is great"- Nursing, OT, PT, Undergraduate
Negative - There were no general negative comments. Negative comments are addressed below in the subject of the response.
Those who entered open ended comments addressed thirteen areas.
- Building - 3 comments
"I always look forward to more time to spend in the library rather than using the electronic resources. I like the physical space!"- Counseling/Human Services, Faculty. Two responses indicated a desire for more lounge furniture. - Collection - 7 comments
"Increased allocation of funds for the purchase of journals and books should be a top priority. I should think retaining or even increasing journal subscriptions and the purchase of new books should be a primary mission of the library." - Biology, Faculty - Computers - 12 comments
"need more and newer computers"- Biology/Chemistry, Undergraduate
"The first floor computers in both the Pro Deo room and the lab are very often EXTREMELY slow. It is frustrating to have to wait 15-20mins to log on and print something when I'm rushing to class."-KSOM, Undergraduate
"The library is a wonderful place on campus and arguably the most important building, but we need new computers. Often, I can't even do my work because the computers are so slow / half of them won't turn on or the mouses don't work. Please give the students new computers, it's necessary in this day and age to have technology that works. The students need computers that work efficiently every time. My peers and I waste time that we could be doing work trying to find a computer that works or waiting for it to connect to the internet."- English/Theatre/World Cultures & Languages, Undergraduate
Actions Taken - Distance Learners - 8 comments
"The Online search services have been VITAL to the success I've had in the online MBA courses. I've consistently scored high on the discussion boards based upon research I've done through the library online."-KSOM, Graduate
"The library services for distance learners make it easy to find the information I need although I do not have access to the main campus. I have been impressed by the resources available and the level of service provided to distance education students." Graduate - Electronic Resources - Negative - 7 comments
"I've had to use the online library several times. Of the times I used it, the site was a bit confusing and not user friendly."- Education, Graduate
"The databases are very confusing, and not well explained."- Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science, Undergraduate
"Sometimes articles are suggested that are NOT in Wilson Web. I wish we could access them instead of paying a fee. You should never require/suggest readings in order to make money for the school."- Education, Graduate
"I usually end up using Google to find what I need since the Library web search is virtually worthless. After Google gives me some results I look those up to see if they are available at the Library." - Math/Computing Science, Undergraduate
Actions Taken
Electronic Resources - Positive - 4 comments
"The electronic resources I am able to remotely access are superior to any other college or work resources that I have experienced in the past. The current journal access enables me to keep up to date in my field of nursing." Nursing, Graduate
" I am able to access the WilsonWeb page from home and it has been extremely helpful in obtaining articles for my online graduate course assignments." Education, Graduate - Group Study - 14 Comments
"MORE GROUP STUDY ROOMS" - Nursing, OT, PT, Undergraduate
"I wish there were more group study rooms. They seem to be in the highest demand and rarely accessible."- Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science, Undergraduate
"I know this isn't an issue easily resolved, but more group study rooms would be nice. Also, I would like to see it open later, or at least have more of it open after 11:30pm. The Pro Deo is not very big and gets very loud after closing. If there were a quiet place I could go in the library after 11:30, I would spend more time in the library. " - Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science, Undergraduate
Actions Taken - Hours - 2 comments
"First of all, i want to thank everyone who works in the library because i know they work as much as they can to help us. My suggestion is to extend close time because i think 11:30 is too early for students who want to study in the library. once again thank you for your help" Biology/Chemistry, Graduate
Action Taken - Interlibrary Loan - 3 comments
"Many articles that I need are not accessible on line. When I'm doing research it takes a very long time to come up with the amount of specific articles since so many are unavailable on line. Has been a problem since undergrad days. Interlibrary loan takes too long." Nursing/OT/PT, Graduate
"Interlibrary loan system is good when the article can be delivered electronically but confusing otherwise." Nursing/OT/PT, Graduate
Action Taken - Music - 1 comment
"i think it would be great if there was classical music played softly on one of the floors or a certain area just because i find it i work better with some background information"-History/Political Science, Undergraduate - Quiet Study - 6 comments
"Sometimes it is a bit loud on the floors where quiet study is designated. Although it is expected--around finals and mid-terms it is near impossible to find a quiet study place in the library." - Communication / Journalism, Undergraduate
Action Taken - Reserves - 1 comment
"The computers and printing kiosks need to be updated. The library is no longer a quick place to print something out before class. Additionally, there should be more electronic reserves."- Biology/ Chemistry/Environmental Science, Undergraduate - Staff - Negative 2 comments
"The service at the downstairs service desk is not worth what I am paying to go to this institution. Every single time I have put books on hold from online they can't find them because they spell my name wrong and tell me that I am not a student at the school as I am holding my royal ID card not to mention their attitude while doing it. Also whenever I have asked them a question to where something is or to tell them that the computers don't work by Java they don't get up off of their chair to help and look at me like I am speaking another language. If people don't want to interact and be friendly with other people, don't take a job in customer service then." - History/Political Science, Undergraduate
Staff - Positive 22 comments
"I think the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ has a superb library, but more importantly, I believe it has a staff that not only brings a reverence to learning, but manages to keep up with an exploding information age while maintaining a dignity that inspires a love of learning. I am especially impressed by the way the library extends itself beyond the campus and makes the community feel welcome."- English/ Theatre/World Cultures & Languages, Faculty
"The staff is wonderful and very willing to help with all my research needs." - Biology/Chemistry/ Environmental Science, Undergraduate - Structure of Survey - 5 comments
"My comment is about the survey rather than the services which are fine. The survey is not. It is repetitive, so much so that I started just filling in the lowest item in the first two columns; minimum service level for Jesuit ideals? really!"- Faculty
Action Taken
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Linden & Monroe
¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510
Library Services: 570-941-4000