
Information Literacy Assessment 2017-2018

For the 2017-2018 academic year, the Weinberg Memorial Library assessed the same six student learning outcomes and . The outcomes map connecting our learning outcomes to The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥’s Institutional Learning Outcomes and the frames is found on the .

In 2017-2018: 5 Research & Instruction Librarians in the Research & Scholarly Services department generated 3 Program-wide and 26 Individual Classroom Activity Reports in support of assessment of student learning in the Information Literacy Program. 

2017-18 Program-wide Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2017: BIOL 141L: General Biology I Lab (EP)
5 Faculty Librarians
17 Course Sections
Fall 2017: INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP)
5 Faculty Librarians
7 Course Sections
Spring 2018: INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP)
3 Faculty Librarians
3 Course Sections
Fall 2017 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
BIOL 375: Evolution
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Dr. Anne Royer
CHS 342: Foundations of Rehabilitation
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Dalgin
COMM 330: Advertising Decision Making
Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette
Course Instructor: Dr. Stacy Smulowitz
COUN 537: College and Career Readiness
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
Course Instructor: Dr. Julie Cerrito
EDUC 113: Reading-Research (Gonzaga Program) (1 of 2)
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Prof. Rebecca Walsh
EDUC 113: Reading-Research (Gonzaga Program) (2 of 2)
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Prof. Rebecca Walsh
ENGR 150/PHYS 150: Foundations of Physics and Engineering (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Prof. Nicholas Truncale
INTD 119X: Making Meaning of 9/11 (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Dr. Teresa Grettano
NURS 593: Research Methodology
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
Course Instructor: Dr. Margarete Zalon
OT 140: Intro to Occupational Therapy
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Prof. Karen Weis
OT 501: Leadership in Occupational Therapy
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
Course Instructor: Dr. Marlene Morgan
PSIO 220: Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Dr. Maria Squire
SPAN 320: Intro to Hispanic Literature
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Dr. Yamile Silva
WRTG 105: College Writing I (EP) (Gonzaga Program) (1 of 2)
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Prof. Julie Lartz
WRTG 105: College Writing I (EP) (Gonzaga Program) (2 of 2)
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Prof. Julie Lartz
WRTG 107: Composition (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Dr. Toni Glover
WRTG 107: Composition (EP)
Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio
Course Instructor: Prof. Jonathan Rounds
Spring 2018 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
EDUC 102: Educational Skills in a Global Society (EP)
Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio
Course Instructor: Dr. Sandra Pesavento
EDUC 102: Educational Skills in a Global Society (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
Course Instructor: Dr. Catherine Richmond-Cullen
MKT 506: Marketing Management
Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette
Course Instructor: Prof. Stan Zygmunt
PSYC 330L: Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences Lab (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Dr. Jill Warker
PT 772: Scientific Inquiry II for Physical Therapy
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
Course Instructor: Dr. Renée Hakim
WRTG 106: College Writing II (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Prof. Diane Collins
WRTG 107: Composition (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette
Course Instructor: Prof. Charles Kratz
WRTG 107: Composition (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Prof. Julie Lartz
WRTG 107: Composition (EP)
Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio
Course Instructor: Prof. Bonnie Markowski
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