
Information Literacy Assessment 2020-2021

For the 2020-2021 academic year, the Weinberg Memorial Library assessed the same six student learning outcomes we assessed in 2020. The outcomes map that connects our learning outcomes to The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥’s Institutional Learning Outcomes and the frames is found on the Information Literacy Curriculum and Assessment home page. New this year, we offered asynchronous instruction options for the first time in response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on instructional services.

In 2020-2021: 5 Research & Instruction Librarians in the Research & Scholarly Services department generated 1 Program-wide and 16 Individual Classroom Activity Reports in support of assessment of student learning in the Information Literacy Program.

2020-21 Program-wide Classroom Activity Reports
2020-21: INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP)
4 Faculty Librarians
13 Course Sections Total (6 sections were a part of the Gonzaga Program)
Summer 2020 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
ENLT 121: Introduction to Poetry
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Beal
Fall 2020 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
ARTH 111X: Art, Time, and Place (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Dr. Josephine Dunn
EDUC 113: Reading-Research (Gonzaga Program)
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
Course Instructor: Dr. Amy Simolo
ESL 101: Academic ESL I
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
Course Instructor: Prof. Hannah Jackson
HAD 519: Health Services and Systems
Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette
Course Instructor: Dr. Steven Szydlowski
OT 120: Foundations of Occupational Therapy (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Ian O'Hara
2 Course Sections
PCPS 122X: Foundations of Professional Integrity (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette
Course Instructor: Dr. William Miller
PT 771: Scientific Inquiry I for Physical Therapy
Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara
Course Instructor: Dr. Renée Hakim
T/RS 122: Theology II: Christian Theology
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Prof. Joshua Arp
WRTG 107: Composition (EP)
Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio
Course Instructor: Prof. Charles Kratz
Spring 2021 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
COMM 240: Communications Research Methods
Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette
Course Instructor: Dr. Brian Snee
HIST 250: History of Science and Society
Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio
Course Instructor: Dr. Paul Sampson
NURS 730: Translating Evidence into Practice
Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara
Course Instructor: Dr. Margarete Zalon
OT 250: Scientific Writing & Information Literacy in OT (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara
Course Instructor: Dr. Julie Nastasi
T/RS 121: Theology I: Introduction to the Bible
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Dr. Paul Witek
WRTG 107: Composition (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas
Course Instructor: Prof. Bonnie Markowski
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