
Spring Semester Move Out Information

Residence Hall Closing

Traffic Flow

Move Out/Key Return Instructions

Traffic Flow

As you prepare for your Spring check-out from of campus, please share the information below with your families regarding traffic flow and parking.

To assist students and their families to move personal belongings out of the residence halls, University Police has developed a traffic flow plan. Along with the traffic plan, some street areas will be designated as NO PARKING. Depending on where a student resides, they may choose to use the area most convenient from the choices listed below.

Royal Way- (GLM Residents) - The Royal Way will be open for entrance from Mulberry Street, one way towards the Commons from 9:00 am to sundown on dates set by University Police during Finals Week. Vehicles should stay to the left after entering and move closest to the student’s residence hall. Students may load the vehicle, proceed to the Commons, and turn left heading up the Commons and exiting to Linden Street.

The Commons- (Upper Quad, Lower Quad, Driscoll and Nevils Residents) -
Students whose most convenient loading area would be the Commons should enter in the same manner as described for Royal Way. Students may load the vehicle while on the Commons and exit to Linden Street.

Mulberry Street- (Clay Ave. Houses, GLM, Driscoll and Nevils Residents)
- The 1000 block of Mulberry Street (metered side closest to campus) will be designated as NO PARKING during finals week and will be available for students to load vehicles only for departure from residence halls.

Clay Ave. Commons - (Driscoll, Clay Ave. Houses and Gavigan Residents) - The Clay Ave. Commons will be open for entrance from Mulberry Street, one way towards the Commons from 9:00 am to sundown, during dates set by University Police during Finals Week. Vehicles should stay to the left after entering and move closest to the student’s residence hall. Students may load the vehicle, proceed to the Commons, and turning left up the Commons and exiting to Linden Street.

Linden Street Commons - (Clay Ave. Houses, Condron, Gavigan and Redington
Residents) - The 1100 block of Linden Street, both sides (by Gavigan, Condron and Redington), will be available for loading vehicles from 9:00 am to sundown during dates set by University Police during Finals Week. but cars must enter through the Royal Way by DeNaples Center/GLM or the Clay Ave. Commons by Driscoll Hall. Cars are not permitted to enter this one way loading area off of North Webster Ave. by Condron Hall.
Mahon Court - (Clay Ave. Houses and Condron Residents) – Mahon Court will be open for entrance from Mulberry Street by McGowan/Ciszek, one way towards the Commons from 9:00 am to sundown, during dates set by University Police during Finals Week. Vehicles should stay to the right after entering and move closest to the student’s residence hall or house. Students may load the vehicle, proceed to the Commons, and turning left up the Commons and exiting to Linden Street.

North Webster Avenue - (Clay Ave. Houses, Condron, Gavigan and Redington Residents) - The 200 and 300 blocks of North Webster (by Condron and Redington), side closest to campus, will be designated as NO PARKING during dates set by University Police during Finals Week and will be available for students to load vehicles only for departure from residence halls.

Redington Parking Lot - (Redington Residents) - Redington Parking Lot will be made available for resident students to load vehicles for departure. It is important that vehicles do not remain in the parking lot after they are loaded.
(Montrone and Pilarz Hall Residents) - For loading purposes only, vehicles must enter the one way service road behind Montrone and Pilarz Halls entering off of Quincy or Monroe Ave.  traveling one way toward Hitchcock Court. Vehicles may also enter the service road through Hitchcock Court off of Mulberry St. but adhere to the one way traffic patterns.  All vehicles must exit on Hitchcock Court toward Vine St.
Finally, cooperation, good will and patience will assist everyone involved in making the move out process as painless as possible. If you have questions, please contact University Police at 570-941-7888 or Residence Life at 570-941-6226. We hope you have a wonderful summer.

Campus Housing Closing

  •  This information does not apply to graduate students living in designated graduate housing (Quincy).
  •  Students are required to check-out within 24 hours of their last final.
  • Graduating seniors will be permitted to remain in housing until Noon on Monday following graduation.  Individual requests for late stay must be made by resident submitting am on-line request through the housing portal.  Requests for student groups needing housing (Royal Ambassadors/Admissions, End of the Year Donation Drive Volunteers, etc.) must be made by the faculty or staff member by emailing res-life@scranton.edu.
  • RAs and will review all check out procedures with their residents before finals week.
  • All garbage must be removed from individual student rooms and placed in designated areas in each residence hall.  Your RA will provide this information during closing meetings.
  • End of the Year Donation Drive - Don't forget to donate your items in the boxes located in your residence hall.
  • Rented microfridges will be picked up from individual rooms after Residence Hall Closing.
  • If you want a physical inspection of your room, please let your RA know, otherwise, turn your key in to your RA or Residence Life when you are ready to leave to utilize the express check-out option.

Best of luck to you with finals!  Contact your RA or the Office of Residence Life (570-941-6226 or res-life@scranton.edu) with questions.

Move Out/Key Return Instructions

First-year and Sophomore Residents: Only if you want your room check out by your RA; otherwise follow same instructions as upper-class students.

Each Resident has the option to have the RA on duty check their room or utilize the Express Check-out process.  If FY and SO students would like to have their rooms inspected by an RA, here is a brief description of what will take place:

  • The RA will verify that your room is empty and meet you at your room.
  • The RA will do an inspection for damages and make sure your beds are un-bunked and at their original height.
  • The RA will collect your key.
  • Please note that the Area Coordinator is the person who processes damage charges.

Upper-class Residents in Apartments and Houses:

  • Remove all belongings from room
  • Un-bunk beds and put at original height
  • Document damages with RA
  • Fill out Speedy Check-out form on door
  • Return room key to RA or Residence Life office in Express Check Out Envelope

If a Student needs to request to stay later than 24 hours after their last final, they can do so by filling out the application on their housing portal page:


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  • Self Service
  • Student Services/Financial Aid
  • Residence Life
  • Housing Portal
  • Break Housing Request
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