Contact Information
Réka Shayka
Director of Residence Life and Housing
Department Head, Supervision of all Staff, Assessment, Professional Staff Selection and Training
Office: 100 Condron Hall

Janet Schieber
Assistant Director of Residence Life and Housing
Supervision of Area Coordinators, Community Development, Student Staff Selection and Training, Summer Housing, Residential Learning Communities
Office: 100 Condron Hall
Nolan Renz
Assistant Director of Residence Life and Housing
Supervision of Area Coordinators, All Undergraduate and Graduate Housing, including housing selection, room assignments and room changes
Office: 100 Condron Hall
First Year Housing
Supported by: Ka-Mya Thomas and Jade Smith,
Sophomore Housing
Supported by Tyler Bauer and Kristin Agostini or
Upperclass Housing and Off-Campus Student Support
Supported by Matthew Morris