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Referrals of Concern

If you need to report an emergency, please contact the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Police Department at (570) 941-7777.

 In non-emergency incidents, members of the University community are encouraged to address concerns directly with students in a caring manner.  Below are examples of common concerns that students may be dealing with in an ongoing fashion, and might benefit from additional support.  In these types of cases, you are encouraged to contact a member of the CARE Team to refer the student.

 When displayed by a student, any one or more of the following behaviors indicate that the student might benefit from additional support and referral to the CARE Team.

 Academic Concern

  • Irregular class attendance or excessive absences
  • Change/Decline in quality of work and grades
  • Multiple requests for extensions
  • Poor concentration, struggling with workload, academic difficulty
  • Disturbing content in class writing or presentation (i.e., violence, death, etc.)

 Behavioral Concern

  • Refusal to comply with classroom rules or written codes of conduct, and/or continuous classroom disruptions
  • Statements or behaviors reflecting a sense of worthlessness, hopelessness, helplessness, isolation, and/or despair
  • Aggressive or violent statements or behaviors, including unprovoked anger, hostility, and/or rage
  • Making implied or direct threats to harm self or others
  • Statements of suicidal ideation and/or suicide risk

Psychological/Emotional Concern

  • Self-disclosure of personal distress that could include family issues, financial difficulties, depression, grief, or thoughts related to death/dying
  • Anxiety, such as irrational or excessive fears and worries;
  • Unusual emotional response (e.g., excessive tearfulness, panicked reactions, ratability, and/or marked mood swings)
  • Verbal abuse (e.g. taunting, badgering, intimidation)
  • Expressions of concern about the student by his/her peers (e.g., eating disorder, substance misuse)
  • Delusions of paranoia
  • Student self reports any significant disruptions in their general routines (e.g., not sleeping or eating well, complaints of no energy)

 Physical/Health Concern

  • Significant changes in appearance including deterioration in hygiene or weight loss/gain or disheveled appearance
  • Visible intoxication or hangovers, or smelling of alcohol/marijuana
  • Disoriented or "out of it" (garbled, rambling, tangential, disconnected or slurred speech)
  • Self-destructive behavior (cutting, burning, etc.)
  • Abuse; physical, mental, and/or sexual

 Social Concern

  • Withdrawing socially or involvement concerns
  • Transition issues (e.g., trouble identifying campus resources, developing coping skills, etc.)
  • Relationship issues with peers, including removing self from friend group(s) or continual friction with fellow students
  • Limited support system
  • Intimidation, bullying of others, threats made against others


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