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Referring a Student to the CARE Team

If you need to report an emergency, please contact the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Police Department at (570)941-7777.

In non-emergency incidents, members of the University community are encouraged to address concerns directly with students in a caring manner.  If a student is dealing with a concern (e.g., academic, behavioral, emotional, social, physical/health), and might benefit from additional support, you are encouraged to contact a member of the CARE Team to refer the student.

Faculty members are encouraged to contact their college's representative on the Committee. Staff members and students most commonly refer students to the CARE Team by contacting the Dean of Students. However, all members of the CARE Team listed below are able to take referrals.


Members of the CARE team
Name Title and Department Phone
Christine Falbo Academic Advisor, CAS Academic Advising Center (570)941-6323
Kevin Stanford Academic Advisor, KSOM Academic Advising Center (570)941-6100
Paula Porcoro Academic Advisor LCHS Academic Advising Center      (570)941-6390
Lauren Rivera VP for Student Life and Dean of Students (570)941-7680
Shannon Murphy Fennie Assistant Vice President for Student Life (570)941-7680
Barbara King Student Life Coordinator (570)941-7680
Reka Shayka Director, Residence Life & Housing (570)941-6226
Cathy Seymour Campus Ministries  (570)941-7409
Mary Ellen Pichiarello        Learning Enrichment Specialist, OSSS  (570)941-4039
Matthew A. Smith Manager, OSSS, CTE (570) 941-5519
Dr. Robert Liskowicz Director, Counseling Center (570)941-7620
David Dzurec Associate Dean, CAS  (570)941-7560
Maria Zale Cutsinger Director, Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (570)941-7680
Emily E. Hendry Assistant Director of Financial Aid (570)941-7701
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