

Jesuit Center Film Guide Introduction

Dear Friends,

Because we are living through some extraordinary events in our community’s history, The Jesuit Center of The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ would like to offer resources for sharing a good movie with your family.  We’ll be updating this site often with new offerings so please stay tuned. 

Each film guide offers a brief overview of the movie and a bit of context to give the viewer a sense of why this film expresses, at least in some fashion, values that are consistent with our Catholic and Jesuit Mission here at The U.  We also provide a few questions to consider as you are watching the film that can be helpful when discussing it after the credits have finished rolling.  Our staff enjoys these movies and we hope that you do as well.

We here at The Jesuit Center hope that your engagement with these films will spur some great conversation among those with whom you share them and bring you closer together.  So, grab some popcorns and a beverage of your choice and enjoy your time at the movies!

-The Jesuit Center Staff

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