The Jesuit Center
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- Do Catholic Universities Still Have a Value Proposition?
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- Three Crucial Topics in Jesuit Higher Education
- Can Jesuit Institutions Afford Formation For Mission?
- Without a Vision, the people Perish - Lessons from Wheeling
- The Pedro Arrupe, S.J. Award
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211 St. Thomas
¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510-4699
p:(570) 941-6480
Spirituality Exercises Introduction
The Jesuit Center staff is pleased to offer different ways to engage The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. We offer the 19th Annotation adaptation of the Exercises that begins in October and ends in May. When engaging in The Spiritual Exercises the retreatant meets with a spiritual director once a week for a total of 32 weeks. In the coming year we will be offering renditions of the 18th annotation retreat based on The Spiritual Exercises. This is also referred to as a “retreat in daily life.” Stay tuned for updates this fall concerning this retreat experience.
Other offerings:
- An annual Lenten retreat based on the substance of the Spiritual Exercises.
- Spiritual direction for members of our faculty and staff.
- Faith Sharing Groups.
Please contact The Jesuit Center if you need more information or are interested in joining in any of these spirituality programs.