
Language Placement Tests

Online Placement Tests

Students are required to take a language placement test before enrolling in a language course if they meet the following conditions:

  • Completed a high school level course in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese, or Arabic
  • One of these languages is your native language
  • Have any previous experience in or exposure to the language

he purpose of the placement test is to assess students' current language proficiency in order to match them to the language courses most suitable for their level. Therefore, students must take the test before enrolling and then enroll in the class in which they place.  Students cannot self-place. The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ uses the online AvantPlace test to evaluate which course is best for you. This test takes 20-40 minutes to complete.

To take the test, contact your advising center or Dr. Amy Kuiken to receive the log-in information and instructions.

Students who have not had any formal or informal experience with a world language do not need to take a placement test and may register for the Elementary or Beginning (101) level.

Contact Information

For questions about the placement test, please contact Dr. Amy Kuiken. 

Dr. Amy Kuiken
308 O'Hara Hall

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