
The Language Learning Center

Mission Statement

The Language Learning Center is dedicated to enhancing the quality of the language learning and teaching at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ by providing the university community with opportunities to learn and engage with world languages and cultures. In addition, the Language Learning Center serves the promotion of justice through its extensive community service such as translating documents, local school outreach, and providing free language and ESL tutoring to community members.

Location and Hours of Operation
  • Location: O'Hara Hall 306
  • Monday - Thursday: 9 A.M. - 9 P.M.
  • Friday: 9 A.M. - 3 P.M.

Services Available at the Language Learning Center

LLC tutor and community member writing on notebook pages together on round table at Language Center.The Language Learning Center offers the following services to all University students, staff, and faculty:

The Language Learning Center BYOD Space: The LLC offers a bring your own device (BYOD) learning space, located at O'Hara 306, with five Chromebooks for use, a remote desktop with printing and language keyboards, and charging for student devices. This space is available for independent study, group work, or tutoring to all language students during normal semester hours. 

Language Tutoring: Tutors are available in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, ASL, and English for drop-in tutoring or weekly tutoring. To apply for weekly tutoring or for a schedule of tutor availability, visit the Language Learning Center in O'Hara 306.

English Conversation Partners: Non-native English speakers can partner with Language Center tutors to improve their English skills in weekly conversation practice. Want to meet with a conversation partner? Visit the Language Learning Center in O'Hara 306.

Weekly Conversation Hours: During the regular semester, weekly conversation hours are available in many of the languages taught at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ to provide extra practice for speaking and listening skills. No registration is required. Conversation hours may be offered virtually or in person.

Language Placement Tests: If you are planning to enroll in a language course and have previous experience in that language, you are required to take a placement test to determine the course you should take. Tests are available in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Arabic, and Chinese. Placement tests are available online by contacting your advising center or visiting the World Languages Department on the third floor of O'Hara Hall. 

Cultural Events: Throughout each semester, the LLC hosts various cultural events featuring the Fulbright Language Teaching Assistants hosted by the department. Information on upcoming events can be found on the department social media pages. 

Work Study Positions: If you are an advanced or fluent speaker of one of the world languages offered at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, you may be qualified to work as a work study tutor at the Language Learning Center. Please visit the Language Learning Center to apply. 

Community Outreach

Language Center tutor showing a student something on papers at a round table at the Language Learning Center.English Tutoring: Tutoring in English is available to members of the community who are looking to improve their English proficiency. This tutoring is free of charge and focuses on developing conversational English skills. To arrange for English tutoring, please visit the Language Learning Center or call 570-941-6163.

Local School Events: The LLC collaborates with language teachers at local schools to arrange for visits to the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ or school campuses for cultural events and other educational opportunities. Visits can be arranged by contacting the World Languages Department.



The LLC is giving everyone the opportunity to decorate holiday cookies between 9 AM and 3 PM on Friday, December 6, 2024 – the idea is that you can stop by and decorate one (or two or three) for yourself and wish our outgoing GA Luis Vasquez a happy and healthy next semester as he embarks on a different journey to fulfill his graduate program requirements. He will be missed!

Please spread the word – you don't have to be a World Language student to drop by the LLC to decorate a cookie to beat the end-of-semester stress. The LLC wishes everyone a happy and healthy finals and holiday season.

Past Events

Past Events

In November, the Department of World Languages & Cultures cohosted a bilingual financial literacy event, Money Talks, with the Office of Financial Aid in the Multicultural Center in DeNaples. The purpose of the event was to serve both community members and University students. 

¿Hablas español pero no hablas inglés? Do you speak English but not Spanish? (¿Quizás estás tratando de aprender los dos?) Evento bilingüe de educación financiera inglés-español para estudiantes de la Universidad de ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ y miembros de la comunidad de ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. Este programa interactivo es el primer evento de su tipo en la Universidad: vamos más allá de simplemente informar a los asistentes para crear un ambiente inclusivo de inglés y español donde no haya ciudadanos de segunda clase con respecto al idioma. Obtenga más información sobre: CRÉDITO, PRÉSTAMOS, PRESUPUESTO / AHORRO, INVERSIÓN / JUBILACIÓN y DERECHOS / RESPONSABILIDADES DEL CONSUMIDOR. Coanfitrión en el Centro Multicultural por la Oficina de Ayuda Financiera y el Departamento de Lenguas y Culturas del Mundo. ¡Premios y Kahoot!

Do you speak English but not Spanish? ¿Hablas español pero no inglés? (Maybe you’re trying to learn both?) Bilingual English-Spanish financial literacy event for U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ students and members of the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ community. This interactive program is a first-of-its-kind event at the University: we're reaching beyond simply informing attendees to create an inclusive English-Spanish language environment where there are linguistically no second-class citizens. Learn more about: CREDIT, LOANS, BUDGETING / SAVING, INVESTMENT / RETIREMENT, and CONSUMER RIGHTS /  RESPONSIBILITIES. Cohosted in the Multicultural Center by the Office of Financial Aid and the Department of World Languages & Cultures. Kahoot! and prizes!

More information can be found on RoyalSync at

"There is value in bringing people from different backgrounds together; we wanted to create an environment where there were, linguistically, no second-class citizens."

-Amy Kuiken, LLC Coordinator

Contact Information

Dr. Amy Kuiken
308 O'Hara Hall

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