
Senior Portfolio

Senior Portfolio

Seniors graduating with a major in Spanish Studies, French and Francophone Studies, Italian, Classical Studies, and International Language Business will create a portfolio during their senior year that will be submitted to their advisor in the World Languages and Cultures Department. 

Learn about the Spanish major

Learn about the French major

Learn about the Italian major

Learn about the Classical Studies major

Learn about the International Language-Business major

What is a portfolio?

A portfolio is a compilation of materials that the student assembles carefully to document and discuss her or his academic development and learning experiences in the major.  The senior World Languages and Cultures portfolio is an organizational tool and a vehicle for self-reflection of work done in the target language. Students may find the portfolio as a process and an artifact valuable as they consider their future academic and/or professional path.

The purpose of the portfolio is:

  1. To document the student’s progress the acquisition of the target language and knowledge and understanding of its culture(s)
  2. To allow students to assess their progress in the target language
  3. To assist the department in ensuring that the program’s goals are being achieved.

Read the portfolio rubric (new tab) 

If you would like to see what a senior portfolio should look like, please review these examples:

Review a sample portfolio in French (new tab)

Review a sample portfolio in Italian (new tab)

Review a sample portfolio in Spanish (new tab)

Portfolio Requirements

The portfolio should contain the following elements. Required elements are indicated with an *:

1. Senior Portfolio Cover Letter*

The student should introduce his or her portfolio with a 1-2 page cover letter, to be written in either English or in the target language. The letter should indicate how and why the student selected and arranged the oral and written texts included in the portfolio. The portfolio should also include substantive reflection on the student’s progress in the study of language, literature, and culture over the course of his or her time at The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. Taking his or her formal learning experiences as a starting point, the student should consider how he or she might extend the learning process documented by the portfolio to their continued, informal learning after graduation.

2. An assessment of oral proficiency*

Oral proficiency is a goal of both the student and the Department. The student should make arrangements with Dr. Amy Kuiken to take an OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview by computer). If desired, practice tests may be taken as preparation for the OPIc. WLC majors are expected to reach Intermediate High Proficiency. 

Learn more about Intermediate High proficiency (new tab)

Read the OPIc test handbook (new tab)

3. Formal, multi-draft essays*

The student should include two or more formal, multi-draft essays on literary or cultural topics and written in the target language. These may be drawn from student work in any upper level courses (300 and above). The student should include evidence of work at all stages of the writing process: organization and pre-writing activities, drafts, revision, and editing. The student should also include source documentation, grading rubrics, or instructor comments as appropriate. 

4. Self-assessment of skills*

Students should use the Linguafolio Self-Assessment to honestly assess their skill level in each of the areas of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. 

Learn more about the Linguafolio Self-Assessment (new tab)

5. Study Abroad

The student should comment on his or her study abroad experience(s), including his or her reasons for choosing a specific program. Reflections should respond to such questions as: How did student expectations prior to departure compare to the actual experience? Compare the experience of entering the host culture to re-entry into the Unites States.  Was the experience transformative? If so, how? How did the experience improve your language abilities and your knowledge of the country and culture?

6. Service Learning

The student should write a summary of any and all community volunteer service and service learning experiences in which he or she has been involved, making particular note of any service that has involved the use of his or her language skills. The student should reflect briefly on the value of service to his or her intellectual and personal growth at the U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥.  Examples of service may include the Leahy Clinic, SCOLA, Habitat for Humanity, Bridges to El Salvador, tutoring through the Language Learning Center, among others.

7. Extra-curricular activities

The student should write a summary of his or her participation in linguistically or culturally relevant extra-curricular activities and reflect briefly on how such involvement contributed to his or her learning. Such activities may include attending a lecture, cultural event, or film, creating a poster presentation, and so on.

Contact Information

Faculty Advisors:

Yamile Silva, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish and WLC Department Chair
Habib Zanzana, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish and French
Marzia Caporale, Ph.D., Professor of French and Italian
Virginia Picchietti, Ph.D., Professor of Italian
Joseph Wilson, Ph.D.., Professor of Classical Languages

For more information on the senior portfolio requirement, contact the WLC Department Chair, Dr. Marzia Caporale.

Dr. Marzia Caporale
319 O'Hara Hall

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