World Languages and Cultures Department
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Contact Us:
315 O'Hara Hall
¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, PA 18510
World Languages and Cultures Majors
Language Majors
The World Languages and Cultures department offers majors in Spanish, Italian, French, Classics, and International Language - Business with courses in language, literature, culture, and the professions. The goal of these programs is The goal of these programs is to prepare students to become proficient in a language, literature and culture other than their own, so that they may lead empowered and productive lives as global citizens.
The World Languages and Cultures Department offers a variety of majors:
- Spanish Studies combines the traditional strengths of Spanish language and literature departments with an interdisciplinary, cultural studies and practical skills approach.
- French and Francophone Studies is composed of courses in the French language, literature, film and culture. It is usually part of a double major.
- International Language Business is a professionally-oriented program that combines introductory and upper-level business courses with a language curriculum in Spanish, French or Italian.
- Italian enables students to attain speaking, writing and reading proficiency in the Italian language and deep knowledge of Italian culture and society.
- In the Classical Studies major, students can major in Latin or Greek, or a combination of both. The program is small and flexible enough to accommodate students' interests.
Learn more about the Spanish Studies major
Learn more about the French and Francophone Studies major
Learn more about the International Language Business major
Learn more about the Italian major
Learn more about the Classical Studies major
The department urges students to study abroad during their junior year. In addition, it strongly recommends that students who spend the entire junior year abroad plan their studies carefully, so that they will be able to take at least one course per semester in their major language during the senior year.
Senior language majors are also required to complete a senior portfolio prior to graduation.
Contact Information
To learn more about the World Languages and Cultures Department majors, contact department chair Dr. Marzia Caporale.
Dr. Marzia
319 O'Hara Hall
Career Roadmap
The Center for Career Development is here to help you "map" out your path to success.
World Languages